Saturday, April 26, 2008

Righteousness From God

One night, after some heavy praying, I lay down, determined to get a couple hours of sleep. Once in a deep slumber I felt as if someone was nudging me awake. Slowly I opened my eyes to find myself in an odd room with big square candles in the ceiling tiles. I was sitting at a table with a man who calls himself Christian Smith. It seemed as if I was a wraith-like figure and Mr. Smith could not see me. He started talking about a subject that interested me highly; it was on a study he was doing on the teenage population in America. He began by saying that many of them were inflicted with a lifestyle ruled by Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. The main doctrinal values of MTD are to lead a happy life, and to call on God when he is needed. God puts the world into motion, and then backs off to let us do what we want with our lives. I believe this is total perversion and misapplication of the meaning to be a Christian. You do not focus on yourself, how you feel about your actions, and how your actions are perceived by others. And so a man who has not the love of God in his heart may do moral actions. but if you depend on morality, if you make a Christ of it, and go about it to establish a righteousness of your own, and think your morality will recommend you to God, my dear friends, you are building upon a rotten foundation, you will find yourselves mistaken, and that the kingdom of God is not in your hearts. (CH) If one does all that he does for his own satisfaction and for the adoration of others, then it is all in vain because we have no righteousness of our own (CH), we get it wholly from God who gives of it to those who put their trust and faith in him. Mr. Smith had some fascinating things to say on the subject of American teenagers; if all of these values were held by the majority of American teenagers, I am not sure of how well off our future generations will be.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Don't Be Lazy In God's Work

Proverbs 10:4

Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth.

There is not a thing on the face of the earth that I abhor so much as idleness or idle people. (CH) I feel that when one does not rise to their full potential, they are dishonoring God, for God's gifts and his call are irrevocable (Rom 11:29). Our gifts were given to us to serve God in his kingdom. But our gifts are to fulfill what God wants of us. We must always keep our ears and hearts open to the call of God on the applications of our gifts. Do not make haste decisions on using your gifts that may be the wrong applications. I wait for God to speak to me on what he want me to do next.
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms (Peter 4:10) I believe that my gift was the gift of oration and speaking to people. I am so grateful for that i am able to move people with my words about God. I believe that I should make the best of this gift by preaching for many people and for along time. Maybe in the future I will be something else but for now God is calling me to be a preacher for his people.

John 5:17
Jesus said to them, "My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working."

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Even The Stones Will Cry Out

A blissfully sunny day, thanks be to God, was upon us again one Sunday afternoon late in August. After preaching to crowds of people hungry for the word, my colleagues and I decided to go on a stroll with some who had heard my sermon. I guessed by their looks that they were not from around here; long robes, long hair, long faces. I began to talk to them about their travels. All but one was reluctant to share with me what had befallen them on their trip here. After a while, I realized my efforts were in vain and I resolved to talk to them about their faith. One came forward saying that he was a Christian from far west. He had come with his companions to see the states. I felt that this was an unlikely story, but it was not my duty to judge the legitimacy of their narrative.

Soon, many in my company asked for a break from the walk to rest. I allowed the short intermission, though the foreigners seemed a bit apprehensive at the thought of not arriving on time. As everyone settled down, the foreigners asked if they could convene privately. Without hesitation I urged them to do so, for all the same I would have for myself. Not long after I hear shouts behind me; I shot up and turned to see a pebble sized stone whiz past my head. Immediately I ducked behind a bolder seeking shelter from the rapid fire. I knew it was the foreigners, they had turned on me. The sound of rocks hitting packed dirt ceased momentarily; then I heard footsteps no less than 6 feet from where I hid.
Unsure of my chances, I dashed for the tent on the other side of the field. I knew it was the nearest shelter. Soon rocks came down upon me like I had never felt before. One after another, like the strokes of a hammer driving a nail into wood. I felt the blood on my cloak but I had to keep running. Through a blur of red, tan, and blue I stumbled to the tent in a daze. I must have passed out because I cannot remember anything until the next morning when I awoke to my wife and relations. I felt somewhat betrayed by them. I share the word of God freely with anyone who has ears to listen, even those who don't have them. I feel that they had taken advantage of my gifts and I felt that they were a threat to themselves and those around them.
I have now come to forgive the men who stoned me nearly to death, but it was an episode in my life that I surely thank God for.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

First Post

This is my first post