Friday, April 18, 2008

Don't Be Lazy In God's Work

Proverbs 10:4

Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth.

There is not a thing on the face of the earth that I abhor so much as idleness or idle people. (CH) I feel that when one does not rise to their full potential, they are dishonoring God, for God's gifts and his call are irrevocable (Rom 11:29). Our gifts were given to us to serve God in his kingdom. But our gifts are to fulfill what God wants of us. We must always keep our ears and hearts open to the call of God on the applications of our gifts. Do not make haste decisions on using your gifts that may be the wrong applications. I wait for God to speak to me on what he want me to do next.
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms (Peter 4:10) I believe that my gift was the gift of oration and speaking to people. I am so grateful for that i am able to move people with my words about God. I believe that I should make the best of this gift by preaching for many people and for along time. Maybe in the future I will be something else but for now God is calling me to be a preacher for his people.

John 5:17
Jesus said to them, "My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working."


Dietrich Bonhoeffer said...

You're right on, George!
God has given us gifts—and expects us to use them to honor Him.
If you know Jesus, God will provide a way for you to serve Him. If you claim to follow Christ, but don't use the gifts God has given you, well, that's just lazy. You're taking the easy way out. Jesus said, "Anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me." (Matthew 1:38, NIV)
Faith without works is a sign of an incomplete relationship with God. Jesus died for us. We can't follow Him without wanting to do something good.

If your gift is preaching and bringing lost souls to God, preach away!

Bernard of Clairvaux said...

i agree very much wit hyou. i think not to use the talent God gave u is dishonrning God

John Calvin said...

I agree with your words, Mr. Whitfield. Although it may be tough at points in our lives, I believe God really does want us to do his work relentlessly. My character, John Calvin, would also agree that there should be no time in our lives when we are not trying to further God's kingdom. Well said!

John Wesley said...

Well done Reverend Whitfield! I love what you have said here, I think it portrays exactly what God would want us to do in life. A fabulous job on that, I think may just use that in one of sermons coming up, keep the great work up!
your brother in Christ, John Wesley